Abstract submission is now closed and no further amendments can be made. Authors can view their completed submission(s) here
The Scientific Committee will build a considerable part of the conference programme on submitted abstracts. For this reason, the abstract deadline is set early. There will be two types of presentations:
- Poster presentations
- Free communications as oral presentations
Authors must indicate if they are willing to give an oral presentation if their abstract is chosen. The final decision about the type of presentation will be made by the Scientific Committee. All accepted abstracts (both oral and poster presentations) will be available in a special online abstract book on the congress website. Authors have the option to publish an email address with the abstract to enable interested parties to contact them directly. The email address will be the one given when submitting the abstract.
Criteria for abstract submission
Authors should remember that the abstract allows the reviewers and the Scientific Committee to make an informed decision about the quality of the research and its suitability for inclusion in the scientific programme. Abstracts also provide conference participants with written information about each presentation.
Abstracts should meet the following criteria:
- The abstract text cannot exceed 2000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. title and authors).
- Abstracts must be written in English, explained abbreviations may be used. Please check spelling and grammar carefully as this may impact on reviewers decisions regarding acceptance.
- The abstract text must not contain any information about the presenters or institutions involved, in order to facilitate the blind review process.
- The number of authors should not exceed twelve.
- References are not required. If supplied, they must be included in the character count.
- Although case reports will be considered by the scientific committee, such abstracts will be given a low priority.
- Abstracts reporting on studies at a very early stage or study protocols will not be accepted.
- Drugs should be referred to by their generic name. The use of trade names should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
- Only one table may be included per abstract.
- The main source of funding of a study should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
- The abstract must not have been published at an international congress before.
- The abstract must not have been published in any international or national journal.
Abstracts of empirical studies, secondary analysis and systematic reviews should be structured and should outline the:
- Background
- Aims
- Methods (design, data collection, analysis)
- Results
- Conclusion / Discussion
Abstracts for NON empirical work must outline the:
- Aim or goal of the work
- Design, methods and approach taken
- Results
- Conclusion / lessons learned
2022 Abstract Topics
A 1 Home care
A 2 Primary care
A 3 Nursing home
A 4 Hospital
A 6 Transmural
A 7 Other
B 1 Cancer
B 2 Organ failure (heart failure, COPD, kidney failure, etc)
B 3 Elderly patients & dementia
B 4 Children and adolescents
B 5 People with mental disabilities
B 6 Minority groups (including prisoners, immigrants, etc.)
B 7 Family carers
B 8 Neurological diseases
B 9 (bereavement)
B 10 Other populations
C 1 Pain
C 2 Symptoms other than pain
C 3 Psychological condition
C 4 Social condition
C 5 Spiritual and existential issues
C 6 Communication and information
C 7 Advance Care Planning and Shared Decision Making
C 8 End of life care, quality of dying
C9 Sedation
C10 Assisted Dying
D 1 Health policy
D 2 Ethics
D 3 Education
D 4 Health economics
D 5 Public health
D 6 Electronic patient reported outcomes
D 7 Methodology
D 8 Pharmacology
D 9 Volunteers
D 10 Professionals and care pathways
D 11 Other
F New technologies and digital Health
Review Process
All abstracts will be reviewed by three independent reviewers. The review process will be blind. Only country and profession of the first author will be disclosed.
The review will be carried out according to the following criteria:
- Aims-Background-Context: Relevance of hypothesis, clearly state aims.
- Quality of Method: Sampling, data collection, analytical strategy; stringency of theoretical position, reference to relevant knowledge base etc.