EAPC Cicely Saunders Award

Established in 2020, the EAPC Cicely Saunders Award will be given to an individual who has made a broad contribution to palliative care, either in research, clinical practice or in organisation/policy that has made a difference to the practice of palliative care. The award is open to all members of the multidisciplinary team (reflecting Dame Cicely’s three healthcare professions). The choice of recipient is decided by the EAPC Congress Scientific Committee and is sent to the board of Cicely Saunders International for final approval.

Winner 2024, EAPC World Research Congress, Barcelona

Prof Xavier Gómez-Batiste

Chair of Palliative Care. Faculty Medicine. University of Vic – Barcelona,

Scientific Director, the La Caixa Program for the psychosocial care of advanced patients and their families, 

Director of the Master of Palliative Care. University of Vic 

EAPC Researcher Awards

The EAPC Researcher Awards are designed to recognise the work of researchers and clinicians in the field of palliative care who have recently made, or are currently making, an outstanding contribution to research and clinical practice, public advocacy, policy, or education. The aim is to highlight the individual’s career development and their actual and potential contributions to the field. There are three distinct award categories:

1. Early Researcher Award

2. Post Doctoral Award

3. Clinical Impact Award

Application Procedure:

At each EAPC Congress Researcher Awards are awarded in three categories:

1. Early Researcher Award – The candidate should hold a higher degree, PhD or equivalent obtained in the past 3 years* and be in the early stages of a research career

2. Post Doctoral Award – The candidate should hold a PhD or equivalent obtained in the past 9 years*, have performed independent research and have demonstrated evidence of impact through high quality, highly cited publications and dissemination activities

3. Clinical Impact Award – The candidate should hold a clinical qualification in any discipline, and be involved in promoting palliative care in one or more of these ways: clinical practice, public advocacy, policy or education, over 9 years*. 

*Excludes maternity/parental, carer and compassionate leave and certified long-term sick leave

How to Apply

o Candidates can apply themselves, or be nominated by a supervisor, mentor, or similar

o Candidates/nominees should clearly identify which of the three awards they are applying for

o All those working in palliative care are welcome to apply

o Applications from any country are welcomed

o Applications should include a structured CV (with a limit five pages and where possible linked to ORCID or similar) and a personal statement highlighting main achievements (2 pages maximum)


Applications for the 2024 EAPC Researcher Awards are now closed.

Applicants should highlight:

  • Strongly documented interest and skills in palliative care research/or clinical practice
  • Evidence of academic and/or professional development, as relevant
  • Detailed information about research activities or clinical impact (according to category) including expertise in research methods and/or relevance to palliative care
  • The environment/research group that the candidate is/has worked in
  • Evidence of publications and presentations of work at conferences or similar events, or clinical impact, as relevant
  • Evidence of awards, if any
  • Explanation of any career gaps in their CV as relevant to their local situation
  • Ability and willingness to give a plenary lecture in English at an EAPC congress

If making a nomination, please make sure that the candidate agrees to be nominated and agrees to give a plenary lecture.

Applications must include a personal statement (maximum 2 pages) and nominees CV (maximum 5 pages size 12 font, single spaced) containing the following key information:

  • Nominee’s full name, location (country), job title, work address and email address
  • Academic and professional qualifications
  • Career to date
  • Summary of up to five research interests and activities
  • Five most important publications. Please explain why you have selected each publication and if not the first author, what the nominee’s contribution was to the paper (1-2 sentences per paper)
  • Details of grants and awards to date. Include title of project, funder and amount awarded in euros
  • Nominees for the Clinical Impact Award should also include a section on clinical achievements and impact
  • Nominator’s full name, location (country), job title, work address and email address or in case of self nomination at least one professional referee

Selection criteria:

On receipt of a completed submission, a sub-group of the congress Scientific Committee will consider applications. Prize winners will be invited to present at the EAPC Congress and to prepare a blog for the EAPC. Applicants will be informed of the decision in advance of the Congress. Results will be announced by the EAPC before the Congress. The EAPC will cover the registration fees of the three award winners.

Metrics used for assessing applications include:

  • Education
  • Current position and responsibilities
  • Prizes, awards, and other esteem indicators
  • Research publications and other relevant outputs, other metrics including h-index, percentile in field of publications
  • Clinical, policy or media impact
  • Presentations at national and international conferences, scientific and clinical meetings, and number of invited talks → summary statistics
  • Supervision of students
  • Teaching
  • Commissions of trust
  • Members of scientific societies
  • Major collaborations

For Early and Post Doctoral Researcher awards: publications – number, number of first author/last author, number of upper quartile or decile, high cited papers or other summary metrics, books, chapters published, and grants portfolio

For Clinical Impact: evidence of clinical impact – including both reach and achieved changes in practice, public advocacy, policy or education.