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Photography Competition 2023

“Same same but different”

We’re back! The EAPC photo competition premiered in Berlin 2019, established as a highlight of the Congress in 2021, this year’s participation has been extraordinary, many thanks to the participants.

Looking back at all the wonderful photos you have entrusted to us in recent competitions, it is easy to see that Palliative Care around the world is “the same, the same but different”. Your photos have allowed us to share with you a very personal view of your life and work. As different as these photos are, they all tell stories of a single moment that somehow allows us to hold on to something for eternity.  In the context of palliative care, that seems almost strange.

Below are the 3 winners of this edition:  


The photo is from the hospice of St. Štěpán in Litoměřice, captures a moment during zootherapy, which the hospice organizes for its patients.

1st place : Lenka Krejčová, Czechia

"Change the world"

I’m a doctor in the south of Brazil, I work in a city with good access to health and well-structured palliative care services.In 2020, I took part of this expedition to the Amazon. The chosen photo was taken during a medical visit to a man with cerebral palsy in need of specialized care. The service was provided at his home, in his reality, and this was the way he lived.Being a palliative activist, regardless of the place and conditions, has changed the way I face life and the way I see the world.

We can’t change the world, but for sure, we can change someone’s life, and that someone can be ourselves.

2o place : Paula Leite Dutra, Brazil

"Visit of beloved friend"

This is Krista, during her last weeks she was sometimes tired, sometimes dizzy, but at the same time continued being the loving, smiling, grateful, kind lady as always. She never asked for something until one day when she asked her stepdaughter, “Do you think they would kick me out if you brought the cat her?”. This was the first during her dying process she expressed a wish.

Krista was surprised when the little black cat came, brought by the stepdaughter. Despite lack of energy she found strength to sit up and she was very happy. The cat stayed for several hours and did not leave Krista´s bed during that time. The cat had always been loved and spoiled by Krista, and as usually the cat followed Krista´s moves and routines, when Krista took a nap the cat did the same. A few weeks later Krista died.  The photo is taken at Södertälje hospital, Palliative care unit.

3rd place: Victoria Wallin, Sweden